Jowan Yesdin is – attention now, it’s getting complicated – Cross Functional Clusters Design Development Engineer for Packaging at Vorwerk. This means he is responsible for the development and optimization of all packaging in our Group. This also means tinkering, tinkering and more tinkering. He explains in a film what is particularly important here.

Ideas that impressed the jury: Jowan Yesdin received the Sustainability Award from the German Direct Selling Association for his packaging solutions in 2023. Congratulations!

When was the last time you wrapped something? At Christmas? For your niece’s birthday? Hand on your heart: did it go well? This is not meant to be a reproach, but some people are already overwhelmed by the task of wrapping a simple book.

Just imagine you were doing this full-time – not with practically shaped books, but with vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances and every conceivable spare part. And it wouldn’t just be about looking good and having fun unpacking it, but also about aspects such as sustainability, logistics, storage, ergonomics, climate conditions and, of course, quality assurance. You also need to be aware of all the requirements that the respective transportation by ship, plane, train or truck entails. Not to mention all of the legal regulations in all the countries to which your parcels are shipped. And incidentally, your design would also have to pass a drop test.

Phew, you may be thinking, and quite rightly sor. After all, packaging solutions for industry are an art. And it thrives on ingenious ideas – and lots of cardboard packaging.

tons of plastic are saved by the switch to FSC-certified cardboard.
are saved by the use of the new folding structure made of corrugated cardboard which now encloses the mixing bowl of the Thermomix®.
It takes 7 seconds to fold the two corrugated cardboard cushions that protect the Kobold VK7 cordless vacuum cleaner during transportation
Jowan Yesdin is our expert on packaging. In the film, the engineer explains how he and his colleagues approach such a work of art.

Jowan Yesdin –
A career in
five chapters:


Trained as a coachbuilder specializing in classic car restoration. I also designed wedding cards and worked in the catering trade.


Studied mechanical engineering and applied to Vorwerk in 2018 in the pre-development department. Position already filled, but there was a vacancy in the packaging department – accepted!


Initially only deciphered Excel listsl with cardboard boxes from China, produced drawings, worked out specifications – laborious, but instructive to get to know materials.


First own project: Optimizing cardboard packaging for Thermomix® Friend. Had to pass the drop test, be suited for shipping and offer customers a great unpacking experience with as little material and as little plastic as possible. And all this at no extra cost, please. A lot of fiddling around, but it worked!


Today, he is responsible for all packaging at Vorwerk – and with distinction: won the 2023 Sustainability Award from the German Direct Sales Association!

“This is just packaging? Oh no, a lot of love, passion and effort goes into it.” — Jowan Yesdin

Aside from our innovative packaging solutions, we have already landed a few hits in 140 years of company history. It wasn’t easy to choose, but here are our five best ideas.


Farewell gramophone

Did you know that our success story began with the production of gramophone motors? Now you know! With the invention of the radio, however, the market collapsed dramatically. But Chief Engineer Engelbert Gorissen had an idea: in 1929, he turned the motor of a gramophone drive into the heart of a vacuum cleaner. Our Kobold was born.


Hello direct sales

The first Kobold is launched in 1930. However, the retail trade is unable to communicate the benefits of the new product, which requires explanation. Once again, a revolutionary idea comes to the rescue. Werner Mittelsten Scheid brings the concept of a form of sales that is close to people with him from the US: direct sales. This is still our trademark and guarantee of success today.


Hot number

France, 1968: During a demonstration of the VM10 food processor, Hansjörg Gerber from Switzerland has an idea: If the mixing function could be combined with a heating function, this would considerably expand the appliance’s possibilities. The idea was immediately well received at Vorwerk and so the first VM2000 heating mixer was created in 1971 – the “forefather”" of the Thermomix.®


Digital native

The Thermomix® has evolved enormously over the years. In 2014, it reached a milestone as it entered the digital age with the TM5. With the Cook-Key®, recipes can be transferred to the touchscreen and be cooked step by step with the Guided Cooking function. Delicious dishes are guaranteed to succeed!


Completely automatically

Digitalization is also advancing at Kobold. In 2011, we succeeded in entering the world of robotic vacuum cleaners: our VR100 revolutionized the market. Our recently launched VR7 model also combines new technologies with​ an​ intelligent, safe and efficient robot vacuum cleaner – and even wins the Stiftung Warentest test in December 2023.

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