They are experts and real fans: 100,000 advisors worldwide create wow moments with Kobold and Thermomix®. In this article, you will learn why we see their commitment as a guarantee of success for our company. And get to know seven of them personally.

Florian Büttner, Germany
Arslan Sevgi, Turkey
Wajda Agnieszka, Poland
Helen Shen, China
Paulina Martinez, Chile
Lupu Nikita, Italy
Matic Berlec, Slovenia

Fancy a trip around the world? Simply click on the videos and get to know our advisors personally.

  • Here live our seven protagonists
  • Here Vorwerk is also represented

Did Werner Mittelsten Scheid realize 94 years ago that he was importing a revolution? In 1930, the son of August Mittelsten Scheid, head of Barmer Teppichfabrik Vorwerk & Co, brought along the idea of a people-oriented sales concepte from the US: direct sales. A rescue at the right time, because retailers were unable to communicate the benefits of the newly launched product – a practical and powerful handheld vacuum cleaner called Kobold – well. This could be done much better in direct contact, as the new appliance requires a lot of explanation. Business took off – 100,000 vacuum cleaners were sold through direct sales by 1935, and half a million by 1937.

We are now the number one direct sales company in Europe and the global leader in high-quality household appliances. This sales concept is part of our Group’s DNA: it is not only its trademark, but also its guarantee of success.

Direct sales:
good in the past – still good today

Why is this true? We are happy to explain this. Here are 5 ½ good reasons why the link between Vorwerk and what is probably the oldest form of distribution in the world is not only steeped in tradition, but above all has a promising future:

1. ... because premium devices need explanation.

While the first Kobold was a rather simple handheld vacuum cleaner, current models have many functions, accessories and digital assets or navigate independently through the home as a robot vacuum cleaner. The Thermomix® has also long been a smart kitchen helper that adapts to the individual needs of users. To help them get the most out of it, our advisors explain all the benefits during a demonstration – and are also available to answer questions and make service appointments after the purchase.

2. .. because it’s fun.

Have you ever been to a Thermomix ® demonstration? We call it “experience cooking” for a reason. We taste, test and laugh together. Everyone can try out the appliance, give feedback and ask our people questions. Of course, the delicacies prepared are also eaten together. Simply invite a few friends over and let us show you the Thermomix® in action!

3. ... because this is how our community grows and thrives.

We believe in the magic of personal contact. Our direct sales teams, employees and customers have grown into a strong community that inspires each other on social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Via our official Thermomix ® recipe portal Cookidoo ®, users can now prepare and share their own creations. By the way: 4.6 million people worldwide have now subscribed to Cookidoo®, and this number continues to grow!

4. .. because we look at markets and people individually.

We sell appliances all over the world. As our advisors come from the regions they work in, they know the customs. One example: In China, experience cooking is hardly possible in private homes because the kitchens are simply too small. The cooking shows therefore often take place in shopping centers. Direct contact also allows our teams to respond to individual needs. Are you vegan? Are you catering for a large family? Do you cook for many days in advance? That’s great. We have a few tips for you.

5. ... because the analog and digital worlds complement each other perfectly.

At first glance, direct sales is completely analog. But we actually rely on three connected channels: face-to-face direct sales, local stores and online shops. Our advisors are always at the center of this. We are constantly working on the interaction between the channels and developing intelligent IT solutions for individual support. One example is Thermomix® MySites – digital business cards in the online store that can be used to get in touch with regional contacts.

... because real fans sell with passion.

Close to 100,000 people advise for us worldwide. In three years, we have increased their number by 45 percent – and we are aiming for more. For us, this figure is like a health check because it correlates with our sales. But why do people become advisors? Why do so many people turn their part-time job into their main profession? We could go on and on about the enthusiasm for the products and fair conditions. But we prefer to let our colleagues speak for themselves. Simply click on the videos in the world map and find out from Florian, Sevgi, Matic, Nikita, Paulina, Haiying and Agnieszka why they love their job. Have fun!


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