We are building our future – literally: While our new Thermomix® production building in France is currently under construction, construction work on our future headquarters in Wuppertal is also in full swing. Want to go on a sightseeing flight? OK, let’s go!

Dear passengers, welcome on board! We are delighted to welcome you on our digital flight from Wuppertal to Donnemain-Saint-Mames. The weather is excellent: the sun is shining and, thanks to the strong tailwind, we should reach our destination in just a few minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts, enjoy our multimedia on-board program and the beautiful view.

The new building in Rauental will not only be a modern office building, but also a lively meeting place.

The new building in Rauental will not only be a modern office building, but also a lively meeting place.

The new building will be a sign of innovative strength, future viability and strong cooperation at Vorwerk. That is why more than 100 colleagues have met for user workshops on behalf of their departments. Who would know better what their future working environment should look like than them? Where are quiet workstations needed? Where are communal spaces that promote exchange, creativity and inspiration the right choice? The answers to these and other questions will be incorporated into the planning and construction process.

The curved reception desk in the new foyer is a real eye-catcher.
Photos from the company’s long history adorn this workspace.
Possibilities for exchange and encounters are important elements
of the interior design.
The new Vorwerk staff sale.
Meeting point with a gaming factor.
Lounge corner for a cozy coffee break.

47 m

For this reason, we are investing 47 million euros in a new building for our headquarters in Rauental, Wuppertal, which is expected to be ready for us to move into at the beginning of 2025. It is being planned and built by Nattler Architekten from Essen, with the interior design concept coming from lechner+hayn.

“A professional home base”

Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, Sprecher des Vorstands

“A professional home base”

Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, Speaker of the Executive Board

“I think my colleagues will be very pleased. Our top priority was to meet their needs not only ergonomically, but also emotionally.”

Christian Schmitz, Vice President Corporate Real Estate Management


We have been working at our headquarters in Mühlenweg for more than 70 years. The office complex is no longer up to date though.

“We have transferred Vorwerk’s DNA into our interior design concept.”

Daniela Bruder, Building Designer and Head of Interior Design at lechner+hayn

“We have transferred Vorwerk’s DNA into our interior design concept.”

Daniela Bruder, Building Designer and Head of Interior Design at lechner+hayn

Around 330

workstations will be available in the new building.

“Architecture offers a thousand possibilities”

Caroline Ohnmacht, Client Director bei Mint Architecture

“Architecture offers
a thousand possibilities”

A building is much more than just a few walls with windows and doors. Architecture has an intense effect on people. Seven questions for the workplace expert Caroline Ohnmacht about current trends and the workplace of the future.

Knows all about the workplaces of the future: Caroline Ohnmacht, Architect and Client Director at Mint Architecture.

1. What influence does architecture have on people?

A very big influence! On the one hand, it is all about individual well-being and incentives for creativity, inspiration, exchange and efficiency. On the other hand, it is about socializing and the question of how companies succeed in making buildings more energy-efficient and healthier according to ESG criteria. These are used to define a company’s sustainability-related areas of responsibility, namely Environment, Social and Governance.

2. A tight roof and a stable internet connection are apparently not enough for a modern working environment?

No, something more is needed. Our credo is: We build from the inside out. In other words, we put people at the center. When we develop a new working environment, we take a close look at the needs of the users and the functionality of the space. Workplace design is developed on this basis. Here, the boundaries between living and working are increasingly blurring. Hybrid forms of work are creating opportunities for retreat and communal spaces with a homely atmosphere in offices. After all, even if an engineer has different requirements for his or her workplace than a salesperson, both must find an environment that allows them to exchange ideas about products and innovations.

3. Keyword: hybrid forms of work. How has architecture changed, what influence do megatrends such as digitalization and sustainability have?

These trends have a major influence, and they are interrelated. Only a few years ago, office design was limited to the choice of furniture and its arrangement in the room – mostly open-plan offices and small individual offices. Now, however, many employees want a mix of office presence and working from home. The pandemic has shown that it is also possible to work productively from home. At the same time, many companies have recognized that physical presence is important for effective communication and innovation. They are investing more in communication areas and at the same time taking the opportunity to reduce office space. As a result, they are reducing their ecological footprint and operating costs.

Caroline Ohnmacht

studied architecture in Innsbruck and Montpellier. After graduating, she began her career at ATP architekten ingenieure in Innsbruck, where she was a senior member of the Design+Research group. She has headed the ATP subsidiary Mint Architecture since October 2022. Ohnmacht is an expert on interior design and activity-based working and supports the transformation of real estate for large corporations. Her dream project: “I find it exciting to repurpose existing buildings. At some point, I would like to convert an old industrial hall into a modern educational campus.”

4. Which three aspects characterize modern working environments in particular?

I don’t have to think about that for long:

1. Flexibility: This means a room must be adaptable to different scenarios and the equipment must be configurable.

2. Remote: the infrastructure must seamlessly integrate remote employees into the office routine. Encounter is essential.

3. Smart Building: Hybrid working makes space utilization difficult to predict. It therefore makes sense to invest in smart buildings. Their usage data helps to act in an energy-efficient manner and can make everyday life much easier.

5. Vorwerk builds premium appliances and innovative strength is an important driver of success. How can architecture create space for creative thinking?

There is no single answer to this question. As I already mentioned, the first step must be to engage with people and their needs. The design of office space reflects the culture and values of a company – just as a home expresses a person’s personality. Colors, materials, furniture typologies and lighting are crucial to creating a pleasant atmosphere and a balance between opportunities for concentration, communication and meetings.

6. What does this mean for “plain” industrial buildings that are more about efficiency, concentration and safety?

These values can be implemented just as attractively in a workplace concept as inspiration and creativity. The same applies here: you have to know people’s needs and goals in order to design an appropriate working environment. Architecture offers a thousand possibilities for this.

7. What will the workplace of the future look like?

Whether existing buildings or new buildings, the topic of sustainability will gain importance, regardless of whether it is about energy-efficient systems and sustainable materials, ergonomic and barrier-free workplaces or open office structures and the promotion of collaboration. And hybrid working is here to stay. However, employees will always need a place where they can exchange ideas and live the company culture. I believe that many exciting ideas and completely new spatial concepts will develop over the next few years.

Solar panels, vegetated roofs and other green spaces to promote biodiversity: we meet recognized sustainability standards with these and other measures. We are aiming for gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council for planning and construction.

Solar panels, vegetated roofs and other green spaces to promote biodiversity: we meet recognized sustainability standards with these and other measures. We are aiming for gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council for planning and construction.

The clear design and the exciting expanded metal façade help the new building to stand out visually.
The new headquarters will be located directly on the Wupper.
Not only the escape stairs are greened, but also the outdoor seating areas.

We have left the airspace over Wuppertal and have just entered the orbit of the moon. Just kidding – just wanted to test whether you’re still mentally alert. We have just flown over the border to France. Below us lies the Centre-Val de Loire region with the tranquil village of Donnemain-Saint-Mames, where we have built our new Thermomix® production facility.


New jobs are expected to be created in Donnemain-Saint-Mames.


million euros are being invested in the new Thermomix® production facility in Donnemain-Saint-Mames, which is scheduled for completion in May 2024. The first machines are to be installed and put into operation in June so that production can start as soon as possible.

“The example of Vorwerk shows that it is possible to have industrial production in Germany and France and be competitive and successful worldwide.”

Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, Speaker of the Executive Board


We have been represented in France for more than half a century: with the Thermomix® Vorwerk Semco production plant in Cloyes-les-trois-Rivières.

14th century

Since the Middle Ages, the beautiful tradition of the topping-out ceremony has been practiced in Germany to celebrate the completion of the building shell and roof truss. In September 2023, we also decorated the roof of our new Thermomix® production plant with a topping-out wreath. However, we first had to explain this beautiful custom to our French party guests over bratwurst and beer – it is not known in France.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your trust. Please remain seated until we have reached our final parking position. It has been a great pleasure to have you on board. Please join us – or another article in this Annual Report – again soon. Merci!

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