Football star. Firefighter. Veterinarian. These are typical answers when people are asked about their dream jobs, especially when they are younger. Rarely people say: I want to work in direct sales at Vorwerk. But they are missing out. Senior Vice President Sales, Isabel Padinha, will tell you why in our interview.

We see ourselves as a family at Vorwerk. Admittedly: With more than 100,000 members around the globe, our family is probably a little bigger than most. But it is precisely this diversity that we value so highly. That’s why we look at each family member individually and support our talents in thinking unconventionally and freely, contributing their own ideas, pushing boundaries and pursuing their very own career path. One example of this is Isabel Padinha. After working in Mexico and the UK, the Portuguese national now lives in Switzerland and works for us as Senior Vice President Sales – and has long been an expert in integrating and motivating others.

„People, whatever their position, are our ace in the Vorwerk game.“ — Isabel Padinha
Senior Vice President Sales at Vorwerk

In one sentence: What’s special about working in direct sales?
Direct selling is the only job that allows you to experience the full range of human emotions in a single day, sometimes even in a couple of hours: laughter, joy, sadness, tears, hope and joy again. Oops, that was a pretty long sentence…

No problem. You are Senior Vice President Sales at Vorwerk. However, your professional career started somewhere completely different.
Indeed! My journey to Vorwerk began quite by chance. Twenty years ago, I had been working in a bank for some time when I came across the Thermomix®. I took a train to attend a demo 300 kilometers from my hometown and was immediately hooked. Two and a half years later I was ready to leave the biggest bank in Portugal to start a new business that no one in my inner circle believed could succeed. I am happy to look back on them all with a big smile.


Isabel Padinha surrounded by international colleagues. The Portuguese woman sees people as the ace in the Vorwerk game.

What got you so excited?
It was the TM21 that was presented at the demo and I was totally astonished with what I saw. The functions of the machine and its added value for my everyday life simply won me over immediately. And apart from that, I had a lot of fun!

What does a typical working day look like for you?
There is no typical working day in direct sales. You go with the flow. Just when you think you’re going to have a very quiet day at the office, there’s always a fire to put out somewhere. Whether it’s in the market with a promotion that didn’t work, or in management at any level from Branch Manager to Area Manager. We deal with people, not with machines. People have different daily needs, desires, fears, moods. You name it, I deal with it and love it.

You operate very internationally. Are there aspects that are important in all markets, regardless of cultural differences? What is the heart of direct sales?
People. Regardless of cultural differences, people are the key to our success. If we take care of them, they will take care of our business and our customers. I love people and have worked all my life to be a fair leader. People, whatever their position, are our ace in the Vorwerk game.

Can you share a memorable success story from your career where your understanding of cultural nuances played a crucial role in achieving a significant milestone?
The launch of the first Direct Selling Academy in 2020 comes to mind. We needed to introduce new managers from different areas of responsibility at Vorwerk to our world of direct selling. Based on the written feedback we received from the participants, we opened their minds to a completely new reality and helped them to integrate our DNA and the pride of being a “Vorwerker” more quickly. This academy created a new “brand” as a direct selling school.

Isabel Padinha

Internationality and working with people are in Isabel Padinha’s blood: she was born in Africa, the fifth of seven siblings, where she spent the first twelve years of her life. She studied business administration & support in Portugal. She later worked for a bank before joining Vorwerk as an advisor and quickly rising through the ranks. She oversees numerous market launches and international projects and is a mentor for Mexico in 2012/2013 and the UK in 2020.

The mother of two and grandmother of three now lives in Switzerland and, as Senior Vice President Sales, is responsible for the national companies of our international direct sales organization. Her hobbies: cinema, reading, walking and dreaming. Speaking of which: „My lifelong dream? After I retire, I want to live by the sea and admire the sunset with my feet in the sand and salt water on my skin.“

How do you see Vorwerk as an employer?
I see Vorwerk as a fair life changer and I am the living example of it: from advisor to Team Leader to Senior Vice President Sales is an opportunity you do not see often. Besides, on today’s discussions on politically correct shares about gender, nationality, race, ability… I am once again the living example of the meritocratic attitude at Vorwerk: women, non-German, from a peripheric European country and the opportunity was equally offered – “chapeaux” to Vorwerk.

That is indeed a very individual career path…
… but I am not the only example. We have a woman in Austria as a General Manager, a former Branch Manager, also starting from advisor leading the destinies of a high potential market. In Portugal, the General Manager has also taken the full path to the top as another great example of meritocracy, which I personally love. In Switzerland, the GM is also a woman who started as a trainee at Vorwerk. She had a long way to go to make it to the top, but she made it there. It would be very sad if we would fill a position based on demanded shares. I prefer this meritocracy policy and I could tell hundreds of stories.

It seems that Vorwerk plays a huge role in women’s careers in their home countries.
Yes! After being moms, at an age that no other company is interested in employing them, that is when Vorwerk opens the doors to any dream hard work can offer. Regional Managers, Area Managers, Branch Managers, Team Leaders… It’s so awesome!

And I know that when a woman enters a meeting at 9 o’clock, very well dressed, her day has started much earlier than that, preparing breakfast for kids, lunch boxes, driving them to school and sometimes you can even notice some “cereal chocapic” fingerprints somewhere in the blouse due to a last-minute hug in front of the school gate. They play ten roles in a single day. As a woman, I am very proud to work for a company that gives such great opportunities to women.

Key skills in direct sales? That’s what Isabel Padinha says:

No. 1 is loving people. If you do not like people – laughter, hugging and tears included – you better get a different job.

No. 2 is resilience and a willingness to learn.

No. 3 is emotional intelligence, which we value highly at Vorwerk.


In her position, Isabel Padinha does a lot of travelling. Unfortunately, she is a “lousy packer”, as she says herself. Can you do better and help her?

Simply drag and drop the items to the right place.

In her position, Isabel Padinha does a lot of travelling. Unfortunately, she is a “lousy packer”, as she says herself. Can you do better and help her?

Simply drag and drop the items to the right place.

You’ve done it!
The next journey can begin.

Das passt leider nicht!
Bitte versuchen Sie es nochmal

What do you expect from new hires?
As a career changer myself, I have a lot of understanding for the gaps that are left. No big deal, we train you on the job at Vorwerk. But an open mind is an important asset. The motto I use with my teams is: one problem, two solutions. They have to come up with plan A and plan B, and together we find the best option. It is okay to make mistakes, as long as you use them as an opportunity to learn.

The focus topic of the annual report is “Ideas space.” What helps you to come up with new ideas?
Working on my creativity area. Reading. Watching relevant TED talks. Listening to people. And staying away from the 8 o’clock news, they are hope killers. I prefer to concentrate on the good things humankind is still doing. Call me naive!

What role do creativity and inspiration play in your day-to-day work and how do you manage to inspire your employees?
Creativity is the foundation of any successful business. I encourage my teams a lot to think outside the box. To be crazy. To not worry about looking ridiculous and to never forget the child they once were. We are so lucky to work with people. With people you can create, believe, inspire, plan, laugh, support, and achieve the unimaginable. And when they succeed, you celebrate and strive for more.

You have worked with people from all walks of life and different nationalities. How has that experience changed you personally? And how has it helped you professionally?
The big lesson is that the world is very small, and people are more alike than they think. I learned that motivated people are unstoppable and can perform miracles. At Vorwerk, we go to great lengths to create an atmosphere that people are proud to be a part of. And by “people” I mean the sales force as well as the customers. If we do our job well, our products change our customers’ lives for the better – their routines, the way they cook or clean. This is so incredible!

„Direct selling is the only job that allows you to experience the full range of human emotions in a single day, sometimes even in a couple of hours: laughter, joy, sadness, tears, hope and joy again.“

— Isabel Padinha, Senior Vice President Sales at Vorwerk

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